Views: Big Breakfast

Friday, December 16, 2005

Big Breakfast

Every morning when we wake up, we'll do our routine job - take a bath, iron a shirt, drive to work etc. These are simple jobs that require minimal efforts, but occupy significant part of our lives.

The world is probably still the same as it was yesterday. We are still just small 'bilis' (anchovies) among ocean of whales and sharks. Our presence most likely go unnoticed. If we are retrenched from our current job, no matter how unfair it is, most likely we will lose, and become just another history.

There are many people who hope for a better world but feel so hopeless when they see what's happening around them everyday. I remember attending a team building course in which the instructor keeps on quoting, 'I will change first,then things begin to change'....which I believe is very true:

" Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaumsehingga mereka mengubah apa yang ada dalam dirimereka" (Ar-Rad:11)

As the saying goes, think globally, act locally - which reminds me of an event during Prophet Muhammad's hijrah from Makkah to Madinah, where a' gembala kambing' walked his herd of goats through the path that Rasulullah took on the way to Madinah, thus eliminating traces of his footsteps from being detected by Musyrikin Makkah. Just imagine, a 'gembala kambing' has his own share in a significant event in Islamic history that later turns out to be the establishment of the Islamic state of Madinah - in his own way, within his capabilities. What about us ?All we have to do is probably as simple as contributing RM5 per month to a bright school boy from a poor family.

Think about that.

(Written on 13th May 2001)


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