Views: The truth is out there...

Friday, December 16, 2005

The truth is out there...

It has always been good to see old friends that we knew since school days. I always admire (and envy!) my colleague who excelled academically.

On the other hand, many have excelled in our own way even though some (like me) did not come top of the class. Everyone have their own experience to tell how difficult (or easy) to be least going through school days and university life. I am pretty sure that it is not easy, at least by my own experience. It comes to no surprise then when theMalay proverb says ‘yang bulat tak datang bergolek dan yang pipih tidak datang melayang’.

When I was a small boy, I dream of having a better life, a well-paid job, a nice car and a big house. And that’s about it! As it turned out, I am grateful to Allah for turning me to who I am today. But, as I later learned, this certainly is far from the end of it!

I always enjoy the true story that’s being used in ourEnglish class while in Taiping about a blind and deaf English girl by the name of Helen Keller. What touched me most is her saying, that ‘life is a daring adventure or nothing at all!’

History teaches us a lot. All successful (read: very successful) people went through some form of trials and tribulations in their life. Best examples will be our own Prophets and their disciples – eg. NabiMuhammad (eg. difficult time during the first 13 years of Prophethood in Mekah, hijrah, various attempts to kill him, wars etc.) All these great people struggled in their lives...They lived a noble cause to serve the people (and God, of course) and not only for themselves or their families..And this is more a matter of responsibily (tanggungjawab + amanah) rather than of choice..

As for us, we're probably working towards reaching our life goals – a good career, decent house, a partner inlife... but is that it ? There certainly more to life than than just that...The truth is out there...

“ (Iaitu) orang-orang yang jika Kami teguhkan kedudukan mereka di muka bumi nescaya mereka mendirikan solat, menunaikan zakat, menyuruh berbuat yang ma’ruf dan mencegah dari perbuatan yang mungkar; dan kepada Allah kembali segala urusan “ (Al-Hajj: 41)

(Written on 19th August 2001)


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