Views: Borderless World

Friday, December 16, 2005

Borderless World

I know little about globalisation. People talk about borderless world, IT, free trade etc. Things are changing very fast. Well, I’m not writing anything about globalisation but there's something I can relate to borderless world.

A nation that used to be so great that it conquered almost two third of the world. Irrespective of time, Muslims today are still one body despite their geographical divide. Hence Muslim world in its true sense has no border. No matter where we live, we arebrothers! It's less than a century ago when the Islamic Empire collapsed. Soon after, the colonial masters divided it to many nation states.

I believe that Islam will return to its glorious days again - a nation that is governed by Islamic principles like it used to be. Itu janji Allah. It's not mere dreams. It’s part of our belief. For Islam is a way of life, ideology, what we believe in. The one and only system that will ensure success here and in the hereafter.

As to when it will materialize, only God knows. We, everyone of us, have a role to play, and it iso bligatory upon every Muslim. This is the consensus among majority of Islamic scholars. No question about it. There are so many write-ups on these that it warrants no further discussion here.

“ Kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia, menyuruh kepada yang ma’ruf, dan mencegahdari yang mungkar, dan beriman kepada Allah….”(Ali-Imran: 110).

(Written on 26th June 2001)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this world, there are two groups only : ikhwanul-muslimin and ikhwanusy-syayaatin. Thus let's build the real borderless ikhwanul-muslimin in this current situation where ikhwanusy-syayaatin is trying to.

3:24 PM  

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